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Light Matters Therapy is now a proud sponsor of a Colorado Racecar Driver!

Writer's picture: Lisa ChadseyLisa Chadsey

What's that saying....oh ya, "I did a thing". Light Matters Therapy is now a proud sponsor of a Colorado racecar driver. I'd like to introduce you to an incredible young lady named Emersyn Weitzel.

Emersyn is 10 years old. She started going to the Colorado National Speedway races with her mom and Diddy (Grandfather) in 2021. Her mother, Keren, liked to take Diddy (Jerry Weitzel) to the races for father's day and this particular year Emersyn asked to join. The Bandoleros were racing and Emersyn fell in love. The pits were open later in the evening and Emersyn sat in several cars including a Bandolero that was for sale. Next thing they knew Diddy was getting a car and a trailer.

Emersyn was all in, she got suited up and drove around the block at Diddy's house and jumped into the fun on the track in the summer of 2022. She was only 8 which is the youngest you can be to start. She started off rough, the first practice her throttle cable engaged and accelerated the gas on its own, she handled that with ease and comfort but as the season went on she struggled with some safety decisions and had a lot to learn. The older kids took her under their wing and often gave her pointers and guided her. In the summer of 2023 she jumped on the track with more speed and more safety awareness.

Emersyn has taken 3rd once this year, once last year and placed in the top 10 at Colorado National Speedway in 2022. Emersyn is doing very well at making little improvements one race at a time.

Emersyn is so grateful to Light Matters Therapy for their sponsorship and is a proud user of light therapy. She has used light therapy since she was 4 years old.

She specifically likes to use the lights after a long day at the races. Her mechanic, Diddy specifically uses them for his back. Emersyn's mom is an avid softball player and uses the lights to recover from soreness and injuries. But Keren also uses the lights to help with insomnia from her high stress job as a child advocate lawyer.

If you or someone you know would be interested in also sponsoring this little speedster, please reach out to Keren Weitzel at

Ahh, to be a kid again! Go get 'em Emersyn!! We are all in your corner.

With Love,

~Lisa Chadsey


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