How are you doing with your sleep? Are you getting enough rest? I ask because as the days get longer and the weather gets warmer you’ll notice that what your brain wants (adventure, family time, etc.) will start to get tamped down by what your body needs. Rest.
I love the feeling of being restful, because suddenly I am on top of the world. There is nothing to hold me back from accomplishing the things that I want or need to do. I can clearly think - no brain fog - and accomplish the things that I have laid out for myself.
Most of us know that we need sleep, but how much is the right amount? I dove deep into some of the information out there and there’s a consensus that if you’re an adult or young adult, you typically need 7-9 hours of sleep a night. This increases for younger children who need 9-14 hours. Once you start to age beyond 65 years, you’ll want 7-8 hours of sleep.
On top of that, having a regular sleep schedule will help your body settle into consistent circadian rhythms and allow your body's adrenal glands to properly regulate themselves. This will help you feel more balanced as a whole.
Here are two quick definitions for you:
What is a circadian rhythm?
This is your bodies natural and built in “clock” that tells you when to wake up and get ready throughout the day for rest.
What is insomnia?
This is a sleep disorder where you may have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting good quality sleep.
What does it look like when you don’t have enough sleep?
Here are a couple of signs that you may be missing out on those good sleep hours:
You’ll start to notice that it’s harder to keep your focus
Your memory won’t work as clearly
Relationships will have more conflict
You’ll feel more moody - including feelings of stress, anxiety, or irritability
You won’t be as alert - this can lead to accidents or injuries
Excessive sleepiness throughout the day
What can this lead to?
There are so many little things that sleep deprivation can lead to, but long-term these things can build up into heavy-hitters:
Mental health disorders
Cardiovascular Disease
Hormone Imbalance
What are some things that you can do to help your sleep:
Keep a consistent sleep schedule
Put away smartphones and tablets - especially an hour before bed
Get the amount of sleep needed for your age
Take time to rest during the day if you need it and can. (I hear you parents, it’s hard.)
Take time to exercise at least 2 hours before sleep
Use light therapy to help your body naturally regulate itself
How does light therapy also help with sleep deprivation and insomnia?
Exposure to light "helps reset your circadian rhythm — the technical term for your body clock. As a result, individuals undergoing light therapy are better able to fall asleep earlier at night, or sleep in later in the morning, depending on what they need.” (Article 2.)
This means that during a light therapy session the retinal cells within your eyes are able to receive the light through the mask and across your body to properly regulate the hormones that help you wake up or go to sleep. (Melatonin and serotonin.)
The infrared lights can reach deeper into the body to help you sleep so that your body can spend the time that it needs to heal muscles and nerves that have been damaged or are in need of new cells.
Start sleeping deeper and feeling better! If you have any questions at all, reach out to me anytime.
With Love,
~Lisa Chadsey
If you want to learn more about Light Therapy & my Light Therapy work, you can follow me with the links below, or email me at - thank you for reading!
Here are the articles referenced above:
Instagram | Lightswithlisa
Facebook | Light Matters Therapy
Youtube | Lights With Lisa
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