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Writer's picture: Lisa ChadseyLisa Chadsey


Now I know what you’re thinking and no, as much fun as that would be, I’m not talking about the song by U2! I’m talking about something that occurs deep in your inner ear, but that can lead to an absolutely unbalanced feeling - as if someone started spinning the world around you at an unnatural pace. 

If you’ve felt this before, then you’ve experienced vertigo.

So what is Vertigo?

“Vertigo is a sensation of motion or spinning that is often described as dizziness.”) Link 1.) This is not the same as when you feel dizzy, but rather feels like you are out of control and your body is actually spinning or that the world is spinning around you. 

There are two different types of vertigo.

The first is called Peripheral Vertigo. This is when there is “a problem in the part of the inner ear that controls balance.” There can also be problems with the vestibular nerve that runs between your brain stem and the inner ear. 

Central vertigo (this is less common) comes from having “a problem in the brain, usually in the brain stem or the back part of the brain (cerebellum).”

Vertigo can occur or be exacerbated by the following:

  • Certain medicines or drugs

  • Injuries that impact or involve the head

  • Inflammation or pressure on the vestibular nerve

  • Irritation and swelling of the inner ear

  • Blood vessel disease

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Stroke

  • Brain diseases

What are the most common symptoms?

Referenced from Cleveland Clinic, Link 2. 

  • Dizziness and spinning (normally followed by balance issues)

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Hearing loss or tinnitus (ringing in your ears)

  • Headaches

  • Motion sickness

  • Nystagmus (a condition that causes your eyes to move from side to side rapidly and uncontrollably)

How can you treat Vertigo?

Most of what’s possible to take care of vertigo requires specialized help. These are the most common ways to treat it, so please seek a trained professional and your doctor's help. 

  • Repositioning maneuvers that trained individuals can help you with

  • Vertigo medication

  • Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (vertigo exercises)

  • Surgery

How does Medical Grade Light Therapy help?

Light therapy focuses on helping your body get back to baseline, where it is naturally supposed to be. This is essential when your body's motor functions feel out-of-whack and the inner ear, which is vital to your body, needs to be able to recover. 

One of the most incredible benefits of light therapy is that it uses your body's natural processes to remove waste and reduce inflammation in targeted areas. For vertigo, it can reduce pressure on your vestibular nerve and allow your inner ear to reduce any inflammation in the stereocilia (small hairs) that line the canal.

The lights help your body to clear out toxins, remove built-up cellular waste and anything that may cause an ear infection to enable your ears to recover. This can aid in the maintenance and health of your ears so you can hear better AND regain your balance.  

Pad Placements

Here are the pad placements that I would recommend so you can start utilizing your system to get you back to baseline so you feel balanced again:

  • Facemask: You’ll place this pad over your eyes - it will help to create a calming effect for your body and moods. 

  • Skinny Rectangle: You’ll place this pad over your jaw (ear-to-ear), allowing blood flow directly to the area around your ears and face.

  • Square: You’ll place this pad over your tummy to help address inflammation and allow your body to regulate itself from top to bottom.

  • T-pad: You’ll place this pad over your upper back and along the back of the neck. This allows blood to flow up and down your spine and to your head.

  • Rectangle: This pad will be placed over your lower back to help create blood flow along your spine and calm the central nervous system.

Many of us haven’t experienced vertigo, but for those of us who have or who know a loved one who deals with it on a regular basis, I want you to know that you can alleviate the feeling of being dizzy and care for your body. Healing is possible with these incredible lights! 

If you have questions you can reach me at 720-219-2990 ☎️

With Lights and Love,

Lisa the Light Lady


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